Exemplar Premier Wet Palette System - The Best Wet Palette for Miniature Painters

Created by Game Envy

A versatile wet palette full of innovative features giving painters and hobbyists of all skill levels an ideal painting experience.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Exemplar Wet Palette Times: Holiday Greetings | Fulfillment Progress | Game Envy Update
over 2 years ago – Fri, Dec 24, 2021 at 12:30:05 AM

Hello, my friends. Stay awhile and listen...

I don't know the weather where you all are, but it has finally decided to get cold for winter around here! Last week it was over 60 degrees and on Monday it made it below 20 degrees Fahrenheit :O We hope that whatever you celebrate you are happy and healthy and are enjoying the season! One tradition we have in our house is leading up to Christmas is we make a tray of bread, cheese fruit and other simple nibbles along with soup and all five of us eat a "Shepherd's Feast" cozied up together on the floor picnic style. It's a nice way to celebrate and connect and worth a try no matter why you do it :D

Shepherd's Feast


Fulfillment Update

General Update

Since we last spoke a lot has been going on behind the scenes as we continue to work through fulfillment. We are still in the early stages of sending out pledge rewards, but making good progress. We are making some adjustments to speed everything up including bringing in a local bindery to cut down our flats of Exemplar Wet Palette Paper in stacks of 1000 sheets instead of stacks of 50 that we do in the shop.

The Ultra Mega Painter Exemplar Wet Palette Paper Refill 1000 Sheet Pack

We also ordered a slightly different size brush blotter sponge so we can get an even number of Stretch Goal strips on of each large sheet. In "classic Kit fashion" I grabbed some scrap wood from the workshop and made the Sponge Slicer 9001 to get those even cuts every time.

Sponge Slicer 9001

Every Kickstarter is a different beast and while preparing for something you know from the last one a new "learning experience" pops up. I am very sorry to those of you who where hoping to have them under the Christmas tree whose pledges have not arrived yet. If you would like us to ship a pledge directly to a gift recipient you missed at the holidays send us a message to [email protected] and we would be happy to do this for you if we haven't already purchased the shipping for it. We had every intention of getting fulfillment done sooner, but lots of little delays stacked up before I realized what it was doing to the completion date. We aren't talking months behind by any means, but probably a few weeks until fulfillment wraps. Rest assured your Exemplars are coming! Once we get back from our break this weekend we will be pushing forward full steam ahead again to get the rest of the Exemplar Premier Wet Palettes into your hands. Amy is even back at the office during holiday break helping out!

A rare calm scene as we pack up for the day.

Retailer Pledges

Thank you for your patience as we work through some issues we are having with the retailer portal. Those of you who have sent us your store info, thank you, you are in the system and we will have your access very soon! Retailer Pledge FAQ Answer: You will be able to apply your pledge level funds directly to product.

Local Pickup

We didn't officially offer this, but we have had a few people come and get their pledges from the office and at PAX Unplugged. If you are local and interested in getting your pledge handed to you by us rather than the mail person let us know.


Game Envy Update

Wow... A LOT has happened since the last update! The biggest thing is the office had to close for a few days while we all got COVID tests due to an exposure from school. Luckily, Derek tested negative, so he was able to go in and keep the wheels turning at the office while all 5 of our family unit tested positive and were quarantined D: It did give me a chance to try out a new lens I got to do tilt-shift photos of miniatures. I only had the toy train at home though...

We all recovered other than taste/smell and I was able to make it to PAX Unplugged!

If you haven't been and are able to go, PAX Unplugged is an awesome convention. We have been every year since it started and it just keeps getting better. It is also a great opportunity to say hey and chat with our amazing Game Envy supporters! It is a whirlwind though and for me it goes like this:

... followed by several days of falling asleep on the couch in the middle of the day.

Other than that is has just been dealing with all the minutia and keeping up with the holiday rush. I did also finally upgraded the gameenvy.net website hosting!!!!! This might not sound that exciting, but being able to open more than 3 orders in a row without the site freezing helps us A LOT haha. Next will be the appearance.

That's all for now. As usual, if you have any questions PM us here or on the website


Be Sure to Follow Game Envy!

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Happy Holidays!

Kit + Ali

Exemplar Premier Wet Palette - Pledge Manager Closing | Pretties | Introductions
over 2 years ago – Tue, Nov 30, 2021 at 04:30:30 AM

Hiya toots...es?... Hi everyone!

The Game Envy office has been a bit chaotic as we continue preparing for fulfillment, but were able to take a break last week and spend some time with family and enjoy the Thanksgiving festivities. Ali and I were even able to go out to breakfast for the first time in over a year! Being able to take some time and refocus and spend time with loved ones, some of whom we haven't seen for a while was wonderful. I hope everyone who celebrates was able to have a nice Thanksgiving and all the rest, you just had a great week! :D

Our new family tradition is a hike on Thanksgiving morning <3
I also got pancakes XD


Pledge Manager Locking = Fulfillment Starting!

We will be closing the BackerKit pledge manager in the morning here (don't fret though, no one will be left behind) so we can start shipping! **There are still a couple hundred surveys we are waiting on, so if you haven't received yours, or we missed a message from you about an issue please send me a PM and we will get it taken care of ASAP.** 

As of today we have every piece of the puzzle in our overflow storage space and then some! Littlest helper even stopped in a few days to make sure everything was gotten into XD

*Insert Old Time Piano Music*
As soon as we filled up our overflow storage another two palettes of boxes arrived!



Just a little showcase of some of the shiny pretties that have been arriving for you!

Exemplar Stetch Goal Stickers
The Order of the Miniature Enamel Pins
New Phalanx Brushes in Game Envy Blue :O


Meet Our New Team Member!

If you follow us on social you may have already "met" the new addition to the Game Envy team, but in case you haven't please give a warm welcome to Derek, Game Envy’s new Entropy Wrangler (Operations Manager)!

Derek is a creative and innovative thinker who brings more than a decade of expertise in design and photography to Game Envy. Derek has been close to Game Envy since the first iterations of the Hobby Holder providing feedback on designs and has helped with fulfillment on multiple campaigns. While he is an avid console gamer, Derek has always enjoyed board game night and made the jump into D&D last year! Ali and I are thrilled to have him on board and can’t wait to see Game Envy continue to grow with his help. Be sure to check out his photography!

I recently found some very early Hobby Holder sketches I made while Derek and I discussed ideas about how to connect the Stability Bar after finding out one of the early designs couldn't be injection molded!


Other News

I will be heading to PAX Unplugged (Booth 3612) next week while Derek hold's down the fort to make sure fulfillment continues full steam ahead. Be sure to stop by the booth and say hey, and if you have arranged for it, pick up your pledge! I will be updating from the event, so be sure to follow us!

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Thank you all for the support!

Kit + Ali

Exemplar Wet Palette Pledge Manager Surveys Are Sent!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Nov 11, 2021 at 11:07:01 PM

Ahoy hoy!

The title says it all :D If you haven't already, you will be receiving an email from BackerKit shortly with a link to your pledge manager survey. This is where you will be able to enter your shipping details, choose the colors of your pledge items and select any additional add-ons. If you have not received your BackerKit link email be sure to check your spam folder or visit exemplar-wet-palette.backerkit.com and enter the email address you used for Kickstarter to access your survey.

With the rising cost of shipping and in this case particularly packages over 16oz we choose to go with a flat rate shipping fee. Doing it this way costs us more, but saves you some money and makes the entire process easier for everyone. This also means purchasing additional add-ons will not add additional shipping costs!

If you are an EU backer and would like to delay your pledge shipment and receive it via our EU shipping partner please fill out this form after you have filled out your BackerKit survey and we will add you to that segment. 


Exemplar Has Landed!

In super awesome news our main shipment of Exemplar Premier Wet Palettes arrived yesterday!!! Unfortunately we do not have freight access to our storage area, so, two cartons at a time, I moved 6067 lbs of Exemplar Wet Palettes into our basement storage area adjacent to the fulfillment zone XD  

If feels so good to have this shipment here and safe. We just have a few small bits we are waiting to arrive and the fulfillment begins! Be sure to fill out those surveys ASAP :D


If you need support relating to the Exemplar campaign I have set up a form to keep requests organized here Exemplar Campaign Support Form

Be Sure to Follow Game Envy!

Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Game Envy Shop


Thank you all for the support!

Kit + Ali

Exemplar Premier Wet Palette - Game Envy Update | BackerKit ETA | Late Pledges and More!
over 2 years ago – Sun, Nov 07, 2021 at 04:54:32 PM

Hello Friends!

I hope everyone had a fun Halloween (if you celebrate it), enjoyed some tasty candy (if you can eat it) or umm had a good end of October XD It is getting dark here pretty early now and the leaves are falling.

Trick-or-Treating with friends and fam


Game Envy Update

General Update: We have been hard at work preparing for fulfillment and keeping the office running while doing a major reorganization of our space to transition from Kickstarter Campaign running to warehouse/fulfillment center again. We also have some big changes coming as we hired an Entropy Wrangler (or if you want to be less fun, an Operations Manager) to help make sure everything is well oiled, help with the creation of new products, bring another set of eyes to the table during internal testing and to help grow Game Envy so we can dream up bigger and better products. I will make a formal introduction in the coming weeks!

It took a lot of work to get the office back to this point.

Exemplar Campaign Update: We have pretty much every piece of the puzzle at HQ now with more packages coming in daily. We are very pleased with the Game Envy Pop-Up Rinse Cups and custom Exemplar Palette Paper Squeegees that arrived this week.

Game Envy Pop-Up Rinse Cup
Exemplar Palette Paper Squeegee

The last big shipment to arrive is of course the Exemplar Premier Wet Palettes themselves, but they are scheduled to be delivered on Tuesday! To fit them at the office we are temporarily walling off a hallway to store the 250+ cartons of Exemplar Wet Palettes weighing nearly 6000 pounds! 


BackerKit Survey ETA

I was HOPING the BackerKit surveys would have been out by Friday the 5th at the latest. However we missed the window to have it checked by the BackerKit staff yesterday due to some changes we needed to make before it was reviewed. It is now scheduled for review, so we should see the first surveys going out Monday the 8th instead. That said, nothing with the project is delayed and pledges will start shipping as early as the week of November 15th! Once you receive your BackerKit Pledge Manager link via email, the sooner you select your colors, select additional add-ons and fill out shipping info the better. I will send out an update titled "Exemplar Wet Palette Pledge Manager Surveys Are Sent" as soon as they are sent (if I haven't sent that update out you aren't missing anything).


Late Pledges Still Open

The Late pledge invite form is still open, so you can hop in a pledge level before we switch to preorders. If you know anyone interested they can click the Late Pledge button on the Kickstarter page or go here!


Follow Us On Social

We will be doing day-to-day updates and some behind the scenes, so be sure to follow!

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Have a great rest of your weekend and keep an eye out for the survey!


The Exemplar Wet Palette Lives! A Huge "Thank You" To Everyone | Late Pledges Open
over 2 years ago – Tue, Oct 19, 2021 at 12:29:08 AM

Hi Friends!

Seriously wow... Thank you all so much for supporting the Exemplar Premier Wet Palette System and Game Envy. When I first started designing the Exemplar system a few years ago, it seemed like an unobtainable goal to be able to create something as complex as I wanted with all the integral components and sealing tech plus the advanced sponges and paper to make the best wet palette for miniature painting. I even tossed the first prototypes on the Shelf of Misfit Ideas (as I am naming it now) which is a book case of projects in the "needs more work" stage. As we built amazing manufacturing partnerships and continued to learn and to grow our knowledge network, it came to a point where all the pieces were in place to be able to make the Exemplar a reality! The rest is history, and all 3013 of you (and counting) are part of it. Thank you!

We also want to thank all our wonderful painting partners. Each of the numerous reviews came from painters who took time out of their busy schedules to help test and provide feedback on the Exemplar Wet Palette. Please take a moment to follow their links in the Review sections and give them a follow.


Late Pledges Open

We have opened the Late Pledge Request Form so the folks who missed the KS campaign can get an invitation to BackerKit. If you know anyone interested they can click the Late Pledge button on the Kickstarter page or go here to sign up.


BackerKit Pledge Manger

We are hard at work getting the BackerKit surveys finalized and working properly. We are aiming to have those out as early as next week so that we can hit the ground running as soon as everything is here. Once they are ready you will all receive an email from BackerKit where you can make your color selections and select additional add-ons.


Need Help? Got Questions?

If you need any assistance please feel free to PM us here or send an email to team(at)gameenvy(dot)net and we will help how we can. Hot Tip: We received word that if your pledge payment errored you will need to correct it on the computer not on the app.


Follow Us On Social

We will be doing day-to-day updates and some behind the scenes, so be sure to follow!

Instagram | Facebook | Twitter


That's all for now. We will keep you all posted as thing start moving.

Thanks so much for the amazing support :)

Kit + Ali